Friday, January 8, 2010

Tears of Love

Every day the tears still flow,
There is no predicting or control,
No embarrassment or shame,
What is there to blame?

Something said, a song or a thought,
Any number of things can tug my heart,
Tears are a way of cleansing the soul,
Mending us to make us whole.

Every teardrop contains great love,
For the son I am thinking of,
A natural way to honor and respect,
A life and love I’ll never forget.

Spirit moves the love we feel,
With energies to soothe and heal,
I am thankful for this release,
Because the tears will lead to peace.

Someday these tears of sadness,
Will transform into tears of gladness,
Because every day I had with you,
Was worth the mourning I am going through.

Nothing can take our love away,
A gift to treasure for all my days,
Love continues, it never dies,
No matter how many tears we cry.

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