Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stuck On You

A week or two ago I posted this great song, "Stuck Like Glue," by Sugarland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9Gou6d9Uo I felt that it was a message from my dear son in spirit, Graham. Yesterday this card was in my mailbox. I couldn't believe it. The one stuffed animal has a heart that says, STUCK ON YOU! There are so many ways that we can receive signs and messages from our loved ones. Love never ends. It is such a comfort understanding this.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Love Don't Die

A few days ago while driving the song, "Love Don't Die," by The Fray, played on my car radio.  I wasn't familiar with it, but the lyrics spoke to me.  I believe it was another song message from my son.
Music Video of "Love Don't Die"

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Phantom Doorbells

A couple of days ago I was awakened again in the early morning hours by the sound of a doorbell.  I knew it wasn't really the doorbell, it was a phantom doorbell.  A front doorbell chime means that something is coming soon and that you are open to it.  This is another way we can receive messages.  When driving a little later an old song played on my car radio, "Baby I Love Your Way,"  by Peter Frampton.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0nc-hh9viQ  It was another message from my dear son!  This has been a week for song messages.  I am so grateful to understand that our relationships with our loved ones in spirit continue.  They show us this in so many ways.  Graham's eternal love and signs and messages keep me going.  Love never dies.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Song Messages

A couple of days ago I was driving home after my yoga class.  I was listening to the radio in my car.  The wonderful Led Zeppelin song, "Stairway To Heaven" played.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcL---4xQYA  I was thinking about that song and wondering if it could be a message.  I then noticed a parked business van that had a graphic on the back of it that read, "Heaven Scent."  I thought that was really curious because I saw it right after listening to "Stairway To Heaven."  As I was thinking about this the very next song that came on the radio was another Led Zeppelin song, "All of  My Love."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ieftPTBt7Q  By then, this seemed to be way beyond coincidental.  I believe that my dear Graham was sending me beautiful messages of love. 
This incredible painting of Graham was painted by the spiritual artist, Linda Vugler. http://www.simplysacredspaces.com/  You can see why the song, "Stairway To Heaven,"  has particular significance for me.  This is the highway bridge beside a river that Graham was crossing when he accidentally fell.  Linda has turned this bridge into a stairway to heaven. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Signs, Messages, and Synchronicities

Yesterday morning I was awakened by the sound of a loud internal bell, like a doorbell.  I looked at the clock to see what time it was.  It was 5:50.  In angel numbers the number 550 means, "The major changes that you're experiencing are Divinely guided.  God is helping you through this time of change with love, light, and blessings."

A little later I was using my Doreen Virtue angel oracle card deck, "Angel Dreams."  I often draw a single card from an oracle card deck after asking for guidance for the day.  This deck has 55 cards in it.  As I was shuffling the cards a single card fell out.  I was delighted when I turned the card over to see that it was "Passed Over Loved Ones"!  The message of that card is, "Loved ones in heaven are offering you comfort, guidance, and support.  They are sending you messages of love and light."

A few hours later while I was driving home from my yoga class the song "Stairway to Heaven" came on the car radio.  I have that song on my iTunes play list.  I was wondering if that was a message.  When I arrived home I was checking my facebook and saw a poem that a friend of mine had posted.  The first line of the poem was, "They say there's a stairway to heaven!"  I felt that definitely validated the song was a message.

I went to the mall in the afternoon.  One of my stops was a card store.  I was looking at the Valentine card display.  I decided I would buy a card for my angel boy for Valentine's Day.  I was looking at one for my son.  The front read, "Son, my heart holds you close."  Inside it says, "On Valentine's Day, know my love is with you wherever you go, whatever you do."  I then started hearing the words to the song that was playing in the store.  The song was "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarlands!  I googled the song when I returned home.  Listen to the lyrics.  Here is the link to this fun song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yCUCqzdLlE.  I believe my dear Graham was giving me another message. 

On my drive home a favorite message song of mine came on the radio.  It was "I Will Wait," by Mumford and Sons! 

Our loved ones in spirit are still with us.  We don't leave them behind.  They walk beside us.  They show us in many different ways of their continuing love and presence.  What a comfort this is.  Love is always and forever.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I Love You to the Moon and Back

A few nights ago my husband and I decided to watch the movie, "Joyful Noise," that he had recorded.   It is based around a church choir competition so there is a lot of singing in it.  I was so surprised when I heard this song, "From Here to the Moon and Back."  I had not heard this song before.   It made me cry.  I believe it's an amazing, beautiful message.  Here's a link to the song with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC-7Y1GqgsA
After I originally posted this on facebook, I took a picture of a pillow in Graham's room that that I bought after my dear son passed.  The pillow says, "I love you to the moon and back."   I have this pillow on an antique family rocking chair in my son's bedroom.  I thought it would be great to post a picture of it.  When downloading the picture I saw the orb above the chair on the right! "Forever and always, I'll be where you're at."  I love you, Graham, from here to the moon and back.