Friday, September 18, 2015

An Afternoon of Signs

Here are some signs that I saw today from my beautiful angel boy, Graham. He knows this month is hard for me with his angelversary approaching. He has been very busy showing that he is right beside me. I think he really likes to accompany me while I am driving.

When I came out to my car this afternoon after shopping I saw this car parked in front of mine. It was very noticeable because it had a colorful butterfly windshield sun shade! That's not something you see every day. A little later as I was driving I noticed a red van next to me because it said RAM. Graham was an Aries, the sign of the Ram. On the last mile or so on the way home this truck was in front of me. I couldn't believe it. The license plate read GRAME43! Angel number 43 is a beautiful message too.…/angel-numbe…

When I arrived home there was a package at my door. I thought it was something my husband had ordered and didn't even look at it for awhile. I just opened it and was so surprised and touched to see that it was a memorial gift for Graham for his angelversary from a dear friend. It's a beautiful stepping stone that will be so special to have in our yard. The timing of this after seeing these signs driving home was amazing to me. The verse on the stepping stone and my friend's card reinforce the truth of these signs and of Graham's eternal loving presence. Our loved ones in spirit are forever by our sides. Watch for the signs and connect the dots.

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