Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Signs From Our Loved Ones
This is a wonderful slideshow that Guy Dusseault made about signs. I hope you enjoy it and its comforting message.
Guy is the founder of a wonderful facebook group,
I am one of the administrators for this special group. Guy also has a great web site you might like to visit,
Friday, October 25, 2013
I went to do my grocery shopping this morning. The weather has turned a little chilly. I decided to wear the boots I bought last year in my son's loving memory. They are a lot like a pair of boots that he bought a few months before he passed. Graham loved those boots. I have a special boot bracelet with Graham's name that Cindy Adkins at Angels at My Door made for me. I kept one of Graham's favorite sweaters. I decided to wear it today for the first time. You can see how my son is always in my thoughts as well as in my heart. When I entered the grocery store I noticed a display of Pepperidge Farm products . These cookies just jumped out at me! Grahams! They must be new for the holidays. I have never seen these cookies before. I felt it was a sign for me. I was actually a little teary. I think Graham wanted me to know that he was walking with me. Love my angel boy!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Shining Diamonds
I was driving home from my yoga class today the Rihanna song, "Shine
Bright Like A Diamond" came on the radio. I was thinking about the
lyrics to this song and was wondering if the song was a message for me
from my son. watch?v=5_YM9VBjUaE I switched the station when the song was over and the next song I heard was "Diamond Girl" by Seals and Croft! watch?v=Wzxz4lbOMS0
I was certain then that it was. Two songs in a row about diamonds.
This just couldn't be coincidental. Be open to the many different ways
that our loved ones in spirit give us messages. I am so very grateful.
Love to all.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Signs of Love
this! I came to a stop behind this van today while I was driving and
was able to take this picture. When I was shopping in a store
afterwards one of my favorite message songs from my angel boy played in
the store, "I Will Wait," by Mumford and Sons - When I was driving home I
saw a license plate with the numbers 3003. My son's birthday is March
30th. Our loved ones in spirit are still here. Love never ends. Love
you, Graham!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Last Mile of the Way
I just discovered this wonderful song, and keep playing it over and over. I was with my son every step of his way while he was here. Graham and I still walk together, always and forever.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Love my ma
I spent a lovely day with a long time friend today. She has been living overseas for the past ten years and was back in the states for a few days. We have known each other since my son was a few months old. My dear son passed tragically six years ago at the age of twenty two. She has been a wonderful support and comfort. We talked a lot about my son, Graham, and signs and messages. We also talked about the special facebook group I am an administrator with, Signs From Our Loved Ones, while we were having lunch. After lunch when we were in my car getting ready to leave I noticed the license plate on the car parked in front of mine had a butterfly on it. I commented on that and then my friend said, and do you see what the license plate says? I couldn't believe it. "LVMYMA" - Love my ma! I took a picture of it. It was so wonderful. I love you too, Graham, my precious son! Remember to look at license plates. They are another great way to receive messages from our loved ones.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
You Are Never Alone
pre-ordered this special new oracle card deck from Doreen Virtue and
James Van Praagh back in June. They arrived today. This deck was
designed to be used as another helpful tool in connecting with passed
loved ones. After talking to my dear angel boy, Graham, I drew a card.
I asked what message he had for me today. This is the card that I drew -
"You are never alone". What a beautiful and comforting message. I am
sitting here with tears of love and gratitude. You may want to read
about these cards and use them too (they're available from Amazon - Lots of love.
Monday, October 7, 2013
"Why Did this Have to Happen to Me?"
Here's a great answer from Medium Anthony Quinata to a woman's questioning why she had to lose her child.