I heard this song for the first time today. I can't listen to it without crying. What an amazing song. Heartbreaking, but beautiful.
"Welcome Home," by Michael W. Smith
My sweet Graham is home.
The image above is a photograph of an original painting given us as a gift of love after Graham's death by the artist, Linda Vugler - http://www.simplysacredspaces.com/, and is subject to her copyright.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Shadow Of Your Smile
Look at this beautiful smile!
As I awoke one morning last week I had the words, "the shadow of your smile," going through my mind. I knew that was a line from an old song. Graham has been giving me shadow messages lately. I googled the song to listen to it. Here is a link with Ella Fitzgerald singing this lovely song. It has such a poignant message.
"The Shadow of Your Smile" sung by Ella Fitzgerald
Yesterday my husband and I went to a Barnes and Noble book store. The music playing in the store as we walked in was "The Shadow Of Your Smile! Thank you, my sweet boy. We love you always and forever.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Valentine's Day Love

Friday, February 14, 2014
A Valentine Love Sign
I was just having a bowl of soup for lunch today and noticed this heart shaped piece of celery! I think my son wanted to give me a little Valentine love today! Thank you, Graham, my sweet boy. I love you too.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Standing in the Light of Your Halo
My son had a favorite jean jacket that he often wore. I have kept this jacket of his because it's so meaningful. Sometimes my husband will wear it. We have a picture of Graham wearing this jacket that has become a favorite of ours. The sun is shining around his head like a halo. The other day I was walking through a department store and happened to notice some jean jackets in the ladies department. They were on sale for a very good price. I decided to buy one and wear it for Graham. When I was home and put it beside my son's jacket I saw that it was practically identical to his! I believe that I was meant to see these. I am taking it as a sign. I had my husband take a picture of me wearing my new jacket and have put it with the picture of my dear Graham wearing his.
"Standing in the light of your halo, I've got my angel now." I love you, Graham. "Halo" by Beyonce - youtube