Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Angels Across the USA

Last week Alan and Denise Pedersen were the guests for our local Compassionate Friends chapter monthly meeting.  Alan and Denise each lost a child from previous marriages.  They have a wonderful grief ministry that they take across the country to comfort the bereaved.  Alan is a singer-songwriter and has recorded four beautiful CDs of his songs inspired by his tragic loss.  Alan and Denise are able to do this by people sponsoring their "angels" to travel with them.  My son, Graham, is one of the angels.  

A video of collages made from pictures of all of the angels plays at each of their performances on a TV screen.  There are hundreds of these collages.  At the performance I attended last week, I would look at the TV every so often to see if Graham's collage would be on.  It wasn't until Alan directed everyone's attention to the TV to explain how their ministry was possible that Graham's picture suddenly appeared!  I knew Graham orchestrated that for me.  2013 will be the final year of this special ministry.  I would highly recommend attending one of their events if they are in your area.  Check out their website for details and dates -

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