Monday, October 29, 2012

Natural Bridge

My husband and I were out doing some errands a few days ago.  We came to a stop behind a car that had a scenic license plate that caught my attention.  It's not one I've seen before. Virginia has many different kinds of license plates available.  Some are a lot more popular than others.  The numbers on it were 2224.  Doreen Virtue says in her Angel Numbers book that the number 222 means "Have faith, everything's going to be all right.  Don't worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved."  Her book also explains that the number 4 means "Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance, and feelings of love and security."  As I was telling my husband the meaning of these numbers, he pointed out that the license plate also said Natural Bridge.  That's when the deeper significance of this really hit me.  I ask every day to be a bridge between worlds connecting with my son. I used my poem copied below, Rainbow Bridge, as a preface for my book,   I felt this was a wonderful message.  A sample picture of the Virginia Natural Bridge license plate appears at the end of this post.

Rainbow Bridge

I’m going to meet you halfway, Graham, come take my hand,
I’m walking steadily toward the Promised Land,
I won’t let you leave me, I’m not far behind,
You are with me always, son of mine.

One foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth,
I straddle both worlds now, a totally new turf,
Like a rainbow’s promise on a distant ridge,
Let us join together and make a bridge.

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