I was very pleased to have the opportunity to be the guest on Pamela Marie Edmunds' Blog Talk Radio show, "Bridge Between Two Worlds," a few days ago. I shared some of my poems and how my book, "A Mother's Tears - Poems of Heartbreak, Loss, and Discovery," came about and the turn my life has taken with my son's death. It was a heartfelt hour of love and sharing and connecting with others who have also experienced great loss. Here is the archived link to the show-
I just discovered your blog today.
My 23 year old son, Graham, died suddenly almost 14 weeks ago. I've been searching the Internet for blogs and websites by bereaved parents.
I'm assembling them all into one site:
I've added your blog to my site.
I hope by adding your blog, more parents will discover it and perhaps you'll find some connection with other parents by exploring some of the other blogs that I've included.
I lost my son two years ago. I have never been able to find a site where I could find meaning to help me with my grief. I have somehow come this far, this long... I've made it through the darkest journey I've ever been on in my life.
When I saw your book cover on Scoop It... I just automatically clicked on it to see about it... I just found your blog.
:))) Granny Gee/Gloria
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