Monday, December 2, 2013

Messages From Spirit

This afternoon my husband and I decided to go out for a little while. I took my tablet with me so I could periodically check in with the group. The first time I looked at my tablet I was surprised to see the time was 2:22. A repeating number sequence happened a couple of hours later when I checked my tablet. The time was 4:44! We just realized that means it was exactly 2 hours and 22 minutes later that I checked again! Isn't that amazing? I loved the repeating number messages. Here is a link to a great explanation of angel numbers -
When my husband and I were walking to a store I found a penny in my path.
We decided to eat out for dinner. We looked at each other in astonishment when just as we sat down the song, "She Talks To Angels," came on in the restaurant!
The universe, our angels, and our loved ones in spirit are always talking to us. We just need to learn to listen. Lots of love.

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